Increasing Grant Success Year-After-Year

10:30 am - 11:45 am Prairie Creek

As nonprofits, it is critical to have diverse funding that include grants. Many nonprofits focus much of their efforts on the grant writing side of the grant process while neglecting the planning for how to successfully manage a grant after award, let alone how to continually secure that funding in future cycles.

This session will review key steps to implement in planning to ensure you have all you need to successfully manage the grant if awarded. We will also look at strategic ways to build relationships and use data and story-telling to increase the opportunity for renewed investment in years following an initial grant investment.

Session Takeaways:

  • Grant Strategy Plan from Prospecting to Reporting

  • Developing Grantor Relationships

  • Long-term Strategy Brainstorming on Future Grants

Kate Sudduth is a nonprofit consultant that is rooted in social work and nonprofit management. Kate has her Bachelors in Social Work and Intercultural Studies and a Masters in Social Work with a focus in evaluation from Indiana University. Before starting Sudduth Consulting, she worked in direct practice with families and youth in Tennessee, Rhode Island and Indiana. She has worked in nonprofit fundraising and grant management for over seven years. With experience in growing direct-donor giving, crafting board development strategies, and directly managing 7-person, statewide teams for fundraising efforts, she has the firsthand experience to empathize and identify with her clients.  

 Her love is most found in managing and strategizing around operations and grants. Kate has written and secured over 50 grants ranging from $1,000 to over $1M. She has individually managed a portfolio of over 30 recurring grants annually. Those consisting of local, state, federal grants and family foundation investments. She has helped her clients strategically plan for growth and successfully doubled their grant dollars for programming. She has assisted foundations in considering how to both manage and grant out their investments. This experience aids in providing grantor-based perspective around grant applications and reporting for her clients. Kate’s desire is to see nonprofits successfully implement their missions so their clients can thrive. 

Kate Sudduth
Sudduth Consulting LLC

Sudduth Consulting, LLC is a boutique nonprofit consulting firm located in Indianapolis. We have been working with nonprofits that utilize grant funding as a primary way of funding their program efforts since our inception in 2021. We specialize in nonprofit strategy and management. Two areas of specialty are operation strategy and grant management. It is one thing to have good processes and get the grant dollars, it is another to keep them and grow them.   

This session is sponsored by Ball State University Office of Community Engagement.