Six Simple Steps for Recruiting

Recruiting is a critical process in any organization. It's the foundation upon which successful organizations are built. Therefore, a well-thought-out recruitment process is a must-have for any nonprofit - you never know when you’re going to need to use it. It is essential to have a structured approach to attract and hire the right talent, who will help your organization achieve its mission. James Mitchell, Director of HR and Employee Experience at Minnetrista Museum & Gardens presented the following six recruiting steps during our May Nonprofit Essentials Program.

Step 1: Identify the Hiring Need

The first step in the recruitment process is identifying the hiring need. It is essential to understand the roles and responsibilities that need to be filled. You can't get what you want unless you know what you need, right? So, grab a notebook and pen, and jot down what this position entails. What are the responsibilities, qualifications, and experience required? The more detailed you get, the better chance you'll have of finding the perfect fit for your team.

Step 2: Prepare a Job Description

Once you've identified the hiring need, the next step is to prepare a job description. The job description should be detailed and accurate, outlining the responsibilities and requirements of the position. The job description should also include the qualifications, experience, and skills required for the role, as well as the salary range and benefits. This is one of the ways that candidates can get a feel for your organization's vibe, so be sure that your job description communicates your organization’s value.

Step 3: Develop and Execute Your Recruitment Plan

With the job description in hand, you can start developing your recruitment plan. The recruitment plan should outline the sources you will use to find potential candidates, such as job boards, social media, or employee referrals. You should also determine the timeline for the recruitment process and the people responsible for each step of the process.

Step 4: Review Applicants

Once you've executed your recruitment plan, you'll start receiving applications from potential candidates. The next step is to review the applications and resumes to determine whether the candidate meets the job requirements. The screening process should be thorough and objective to ensure that you're not excluding any qualified candidates.

Step 5: Conduct Interviews

After reviewing the applications, you will need to conduct interviews with the shortlisted candidates. The interview process should be well-structured to ensure that you ask the right questions and get the necessary information from the candidates. You should also make sure that you are adhering to any legal requirements related to interviews.

Step 6: Check References and Make an Offer

Once you've conducted interviews, you should check the candidate's references to verify the information provided by the candidate. This step is crucial, as it can provide valuable insights into the candidate's past performance and work ethic. If everything checks out, you can make a job offer to the successful candidate.

Wrapping up the recruitment process is no easy feat, but with these six steps in mind, you'll be ready to bring on the perfect candidate for your nonprofit team! It might take some time and effort, but remember, the journey to finding the right person is half the fun. By following these steps, you can make sure your organization is set up for success and ready to tackle any challenges that come your way.


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