Strengthening Nonprofits, Cultivating Leaders: The CORE Fundraising Program

Fundraising is vital for nonprofits, but securing key donations can feel overwhelming. Many leaders face common challenges, like struggling with grant applications or dreading donor solicitations, making their already demanding jobs even harder. Recognizing these obstacles, Nonprofit Support Network leveraged its connections, relationships, and resources to address the unique needs of nonprofits in our community.

The CORE Fundraising Training Program was designed to meet these needs. It offered nonprofit leaders a unique opportunity to gain the skills and confidence needed to navigate the complexities of fundraising, supported by a community of peers who understood and shared their journey. In a landscape where organizations are often vying for the same limited resources, CORE fostered a supportive environment that encouraged collaboration over competition.

"It provided sharing of knowledge and networking," said John Longnaker, CEO at Guardian Advocates. Many echoed this sentiment. It underscored the program’s strength in building a collaborative environment.

The program’s cohort model is key. Over the six-month period, participants dove into a supportive community where they received monthly education and one-on-one support from a fundraising expert and completed two customized courses from The Fund Raising School at IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

"The cohort model is something that I think is missing from other fundraising courses I have taken outside of Nonprofit Support Network," shared Robyn Burroughs, Development Officer and Volunteer Manager, Little Red Door Cancer Agency. "It felt communal and easier to ask questions around familiar faces who are in the same stage."

By focusing on topics specifically relevant to our community, such as engaging donors, crafting compelling donation letters, and engaging the board in fundraising, participants gained practical knowledge and strategies that directly apply to their organizations’ needs. This custom approach ensures that the content is informative and immediately actionable, empowering participants to make a tangible impact in their fundraising efforts.

“I feel much more confident in my ability to engage in the actual fundraising process. I had done previous trainings, but it was all just information being presented to me in a not directly applicable format,” shared Anna Dillinger, Development and Database Coordinator, Minnetrista Museum & Gardens. “This course gave me the opportunity to practice and actively engage with the development process in a way that other trainings have not, and I feel much more confident in my ability to engage with donors. I still have a lot to learn and areas that need growth, but this training set me up to be able to do so effectively.”

Engagement and interaction are key components of the CORE experience. The program's structure encourages active participation. It keeps participants invested and fosters a dynamic learning environment. "Learning with and from the same group of people is always valuable," noted Bekah Clawson, President and CEO, Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana. This supportive environment is particularly valuable for new fundraisers. "I am new to fundraising, so it was very helpful and comforting to be among a group of peers who were also at different experience levels," shared Anna Dillinger.  "I felt like I could relate to others' experiences and also had a lot to learn from each other."

This word cloud represents words that participants used to talk about their experience during the fundraising program.

Building Confidence and Skills

CORE goes beyond fostering camaraderie. "I really think the experience and input of others, especially those who were veterans in nonprofit fundraising, added another component that a textbook can't offer," shared Trina Morgan-Richardson. "The feedback, constructive suggestions, and collaboration is what made this most successful to me."

The program's impact extends far beyond learning new fundraising techniques. Participants consistently report a transformative impact on their careers and overall approach to fundraising.

Anna Dillinger stated, “I feel much more confident in my ability to engage in the actual fundraising process.” This highlights how CORE Fundraising Training equips leaders with practical skills they can utilize immediately.

Impressive Results

CORE combines expert instruction with a supportive community and valuable peer-to-peer learning. It empowers leaders to overcome isolation and build a network of colleagues. The results speak for themselves. 85% of participants rated the CORE Fundraising Training as excellent.

This statistic shows the program works. It equips leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in fundraising.

Building a Strong Network

This further emphasizes the program's network-building power. An equally impressive 85% rated the value of the time spent during the series as excellent. These leaders found the connections with peers very valuable. They were just as valuable as the information learned.

Building a Strong Nonprofit Sector

CORE isn't just about fundraising. It's about building a stronger future for the non-profit sector. CORE graduates are confident now. They have practical skills and a lasting network. They are making a big impact on their organizations and the communities they serve.


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